Directors Blog – February ’24
As February draws to a close, the tempo is rising! The tradestands are now all confirmed and include some exciting and different new ones. The entries are coming in and it is always exciting to see in my inbox that someone has entered and wondering who it will be. I know, from riding my own horse, that it has not been an easy time for riders getting horses fit on the wet ground but let’s look forward to some warmer and dryer days.
As I write, Eric Winter and the Willis Brothers team are placing and working on the the cross-country fences in the Park and that really sends a tingle down my spine. It has also been good to have Stuart Buntine (our Assistant Technical Delegate this year) with us over the past couple of days.
Harry’s Hut is back up in the Park, awaiting his return to carry out the Site Management duties. The grandstand building starts next Monday. In fact, every day there is just a little more activity…..
Last week was extra busy, the first two days were taken up with filming a documentary to celebrate the 75th Anniversary. Those partaking were kind enough to travel from far and wide to contribute. The documentary will be released on Badminton TV prior to the Event and we will post details on our social media channels and the website as to when it is about to be shown.
The week also included our annual Veterinary and Medical meetings. We are incredibly lucky to have such a great team of both, who bring so many different skills and expertise. Of course, we all hope they will not be needed but if they are horse, rider or spectator could not be in better hands. We are very grateful to Mars Equestrian for their support of the veterinary side and it was incredibly generous of Scott Giebler, who flew over especially from America, and Terry McFarlane to give a talk on Antech and Sound diagnostics at the meeting
Andrew has been busy with sponsors and we will be announcing one or two exciting new ones over the coming weeks.
I wish all organisers, owners and competitors well as the eventing season opens.
Our early bird ticket prices are in place until 31st March, so please head to the Box Office and take advantage before it is suddenly too late!
By the time I write the March blog, the entries will have closed and we will be on the final run down to welcoming you all back to Badminton in May!!