It can come in handy having a parent or relative who knows what it’s like to ride at Badminton, and several competitors here are enjoying that benefit.
Emily King’s mother Mary has completed 22 times and won twice. ‘She is a bit like a mirror,’ says Emily. ‘She is a really nice person to have around and bounce ideas off. She won’t go in all guns blazing trying to change things, but we chat a lot and she’s forthcoming when I ask for advice.
‘I’m a very stubborn person – she probably sees things and thinks “that’s wrong”, but she keeps quiet, which is probably why we are still such good friends.’
In turn, Mary comments: ‘I don’t get that nervous for Emily, I just wish and hope that it all goes well. There will be a few butterflies on cross-country day, but I’d be much more nervous if I was riding. I feel a bad mother saying that, but I’m really proud of her, the way she rides and how dedicated she is.’
Irish first-timer Lucy Latta has the advantage of help from her experienced cousin, Elizabeth Power, who is on hand to help, while her grandfather, William Powell-Harris, who competed at Badminton in 1971 on Smokey Vl, is watching on television at home. ‘He’s 93 and probably the most excited of all of us,’ said Lucy.
William Fox-Pitt, Harry Meade, US first-timer Grace Taylor, Alice Casburn, Felicity Collins, Sam Watson, Wills Oakden, and Zara Tindall all have parents who have competed at Badminton and Harry Mutch’s great-uncle, Eric Thompson, was a regular competitor in the 1960s.