Guest blog: Bill Levett takes on the cross country

Wednesday 7th - 11th May 2025

Guest blog: Bill Levett takes on the cross country

So cross country day at Badminton has been and gone and I think the course has created some nice pictures for spectators and the sport. It is probably what the event needed after last year.

Personally I would have liked to have some more technical questions in the mix as I feel that it was too much about the time and less about the jumping and technical cross country riding. I may be biased as I’m on a great cross country horse in terms of his adjustability, scope, ability to look for the flags etc so the more technical the better for me! I favour a course which is more like last year with a few more let up fences but not as many as this year.

Alfie was great today, honest and committed he kept his jump and was always looking for the next set of flags. We only had one moment on our round, at the second water where he left a leg going in over the birch rails. Other than that he was foot perfect. Sadly we picked up a few time and I’m left questioning myself as to either I should have been braver in how I went out at the start.

Importantly he recovered very well at the end of the course and is bright this evening, towing Emily out for grass in front of the house.

He’ll have some physio and a good nights sleep ahead of the trot up in the morning.