Guest Blog: things don’t quite go to plan for Hannah Bate

Wednesday 7th - 11th May 2025

Guest Blog: things don’t quite go to plan for Hannah Bate

Given our far from ideal preparation over the last 4 weeks, to be here at all - let alone go so well - is amazing.

Unfortunately our dressage did not go to plan. Sadly my trainer, Ian Woodhead, couldn’t be here at short notice, and Finn was very sharp and spooky so I never really ‘had’ him in the arena. I was hoping before we arrived that we could better our Burghley score of 51, so to get a 57.2 was a bit gutting. Saying that, it was better that he was sharp and well going into the cross country, and I put the dressage behind me.
For the cross country, my plan was to take all the straight routes. I knew Finn was fit enough, even with the set backs we had had in our preparation. He did get very strong coming towards the White Gates on the way home so I knew straight away that turning through fence 25 and 26, the silver birches, would be difficult. I decided to take the long route, which cost me a few time faults.
The cross country course rode brilliantly. Finn just ups his game when it comes to these big tracks and makes them feel easy. Given our far from ideal preparation over the last 4 weeks, to be here at all – let alone go so well – is amazing.
I owe massive thank you to my groom Ruth Sturmey, who knows and looks after Finn so well.
Hannah & Finbury Hill added a few penalties to their score on the final day, finishing in 47th place.